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Here’s what you need to know about the “Magnificent Seven” stocks that are driving the market

The Magnificent Seven might conjure up images of the 1960s Western film or its 2016 remake, but there’s a new group in town – seven technology companies that outgained the market in 2023. Read on to find out more about…

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A worrying 2 in 5 wealthy individuals have fallen victim to a financial scam

A recent survey reported by Professional Adviser revealed that 2 in 5 wealthy individuals have been the victim of financial crime. Of the 2,000 people with assets worth more than £250,000 who were surveyed, 41% of them…

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Retirement planning: The 3 main ways you could access your pension

When you give up work, your pension is likely to play a key role in creating an income. So, an essential part of retirement planning is often deciding how you’ll access your retirement savings. Last month, you read about the…

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Guide: 10 things you can learn about your financial plan from these ABBA hits

In April 1974, a Swedish foursome took to the stage at the Eurovision Song Contest. Performing eighth on the night, ABBA introduced themselves to a global audience, romping to victory with their hit ‘Waterloo’. In the intervening five decades ABBA…

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Investment market update: January 2024

While a new year started, many of the key factors affecting economies and markets in January were the same as those in 2023, namely high levels of inflation and recession fears. The World Bank warned the global economy is set…

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A Lasting Power of Attorney could offer protection at every life stage

Naming a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is often associated with the elderly. But it could provide vital protection and peace of mind at every life stage. An LPA gives someone you trust the ability to make decisions on your…

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5 handy tips that could help couples create an effective financial plan

Managing your finances effectively as a couple could provide you with peace of mind and mean you’re more likely to reach your goals. Yet, it can be difficult as you could have very different financial priorities to your partner. Read…

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How to move into the decumulation phase of retirement planning

Transitioning into retirement can present new challenges, not least, understanding how to sustainably start using your assets to create an income. As you move into the decumulation phase, you might worry about balancing your needs now with your long-term financial…

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3 insightful research findings that could help you navigate your “second 50”

A report suggests that life after 50 will be radically different for those who have recently celebrated the milestone or are nearing it when compared to previous generations, and it could have implications for your financial plan. The research from…

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Retirement planning: The importance of setting out your lifestyle goals

When you start thinking about the steps you need to take when retiring, your focus might be on the financial side. Yet, it’s often a good idea to start with your lifestyle aspirations. Last month, you read about the different…

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How the upcoming Dividend Allowance and Capital Gains Tax changes could affect your clients

Ensuring your business owner clients make the most of the available tax allowances and exemptions can help them retain more of their wealth. Staying on top of upcoming tax and regulatory changes is an important part of this. At the…

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Guide: Everything you need to know about annuities when creating a retirement income

When you retire, you will often have a range of choices available to you about how you access your pension. One such method is an annuity, which could provide you with a reliable income.  If you’re…

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