The Retail Distribution Review (RDR) and how it will affect you

Category: Blog


The FSAAs you may or not know there is a new world in financial services starting from 1st January 2013.

Commission will be banned and the level of qualifications a financial adviser will need are much higher than before, these are just some of the changes which form part of the Retail Distribution Review.

The Retail Distribution Review (RDR) is a key part of the Financial Services Authority’s consumer protection strategy. It is establishing a resilient, effective and attractive retail investment market that consumers can have confidence in and trust at a time when they need more help and advice than ever with their retirement and investment planning.

The FSA issued this document Financial Advice Changes 1-2-3 earlier this year which explains a bit more

We have detailed how we are prepared for these sweeping changes and how it may or may not affect you going forward. A copy of our guide can be downloaded here. – RDR Guide

If you have any queries surrounding this then please feel free to call me on 0116 2355733 and I will be happy to discuss over a cup of tea.

Retail Distribution Review Explained



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