Proud to be supporting Financial Planning Week

Category: Blog

At Santorini Financial Planning we are happy to once again be supporting Financial Planning Week in conjunction with the-not-for profit professional body the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments (CISI). We are offering free, 1 hour surgeries, either face to face, by phone or Skype, which can be booked here

This campaign aims to raise awareness of how important financial planning is to your life. It’s not just for people who have never thought about their finances, it’s for everyone, whatever your situation.

The key aim is to offer you the opportunity to discover what a genuine financial planning process looks and feels like, to ask questions and get information and guidance on how you can improve your financial situation.

What is financial planning?

Financial Planning is an ongoing process to help you make sensible decisions about money that can help you achieve your goals in life.

Plan your finances for the future you want

  • What are your goals in life, in short, medium and long term?
  • Can you prioritise them?
  • What is the likely cost of those goals and when you need the money?

Let’s do some financial planning….

  1. What is important to you financially?
    Short, longer term
  2. Do you know how much you spend every month?

Questions to think about…

  1. If you knew you had 5 years to live what would you do differently today?
  2. If you knew had 12 months to live what would you do differently today?
  3. If you had less than 12 months to live…?

10 questions to ask when seeking financial advice

  1. What are your qualifications?
  2. What experience do you have?
  3. What services do you offer?
  4. What is your approach to financial planning?
  5. Will you be the only person working with me?
  6. How will I pay for your services?
  7. How much do you typically charge?
  8. How are you regulated?
  9. How often do you review my situation?
  10. Can I have it in writing?

The overall aim of these sessions is to help you Plan well to live well and Make dreams happen.

You can find more information here


Get in touch


Unit 6
37 Old Parsonage Lane
LE12 5SG