Guide: The guide to later-life planning and care

Category: News

When you think about your future, how far ahead do you plan? Perhaps you’ve thought about what your life will look like in 10 years, but have you considered your later years?

While retirement planning is common, it’s often the early years of retirement that people focus on. However, your needs and lifestyle wishes can change drastically over a retirement that could last decades. It’s just as important to think about how you’ll spend your later years as those first years when you are still celebrating retirement.

You can download The guide to later-life planning and care to start thinking about your long-term plan. It’s here to help you understand why it’s important and what steps you can take. It covers:

  • Reasons to make later-life planning part of your financial plan
  • How to create long-term financial security
  • Why care is something you should think about.

If you have any questions about your long-term plan or care, please contact us.

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