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Guide: 10 simple but effective ways to create a better you

Search the internet and you’ll find a myriad of self-help sites aimed at helping you to improve your life and get the most out of it. Our latest guide explores some practical steps you can take to improve your overall…

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Guide – Your retirement choices: how to generate an income in later life

Since Pension Freedoms were introduced in 2015, retirees have had more choice when they access their pension. However, it also means you have more responsibility for generating an income later in life and it’s important to understand what your options…

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Investment market update: April 2021

After a year of lockdowns and restrictions, evidence suggests economies around the world are now on the path to recovery, although uncertainty and challenges remain. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) once again increased its growth forecast for the global economy…

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The summer gardening trends that could liven up your outdoor spaces

As a nation, we’ve embraced gardening over the last year. With social distancing in place, we’ve fallen in love with our outdoor spaces, whether to entertain or relax in. According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), three…

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Business owners – here are the staff benefits that could boost productivity

As a business owner, how can you boost productivity? Reviewing processes to improve efficiency or implementing more training may spring to mind. However, providing health and wellbeing benefits to your employees can prove valuable. Three in five (60%) small and…

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Money mindset: Shaking up how you think about finances could boost wellbeing

Money has a huge impact on our wellbeing. Whether we have “enough” is often the focus when facing money challenges, but a new report suggests that our mindset and relationship with money could have a far bigger influence on wellbeing.

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Should you defer your State Pension? It could reduce your tax liability

There’s often a lot of talk about the State Pension Age rising and the impact it could have on retirement plans. But, in certain circumstances, delaying your State Pension payments could pay off. The State Pension Age is currently 65,…

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How inflation can reduce your pension and what you can do about it

When you think of risks to your retirement, do you include inflation? It can have a huge impact on your income throughout retirement. Yet, it’s often overlooked when creating a retirement plan. Inflation refers to the rising cost of living.

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Guide: 10 things that could increase the value of your property

Talking about homes and property values is something of a pastime in the UK. Property is probably among one of the largest assets we own, so it’s not surprising that we want the value to go up. While property prices…

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Investment market update: March 2021

During March there were reasons to be optimistic. In fact, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) raised global growth forecasts following Covid-19 vaccination and stimulus package news around the world. It’s now expected the global economy will expand…

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What does “rebalancing” your portfolio mean and why is it important?

When discussing investments or reading the news, you may have heard the phrase “rebalancing”. It’s an important part of making sure your portfolio continues to reflect your goals, but it can be overlooked or misunderstood. Read on to learn what…

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5 reasons to switch pension providers to boost your retirement savings (and 3 things to do first)

Do you know who your current pension provider is? If so, do you know why you chose them? Even when you’re making regular pension contributions, these may not be things you think about that often. While, in many cases, your…

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