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Reasons to consider using Santorini Financial Planning when choosing a financial adviser in Leicester
As one of the leading Financial Advisers and wealth management firms in Leicester, we were looking at what criteria a potential new client would choose to use us over any other firm of financial advisers in Leicester. Here’s…
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Life planners talk up the importance of listening by Natalie Fast
Do you believe in ley lines? I used to live near East Grinstead, which is apparently famed for being a converging point perhaps explaining why there is such a density of different religions there, from Scientologists to Rosicrucians. There may…
Read moreEthical Investments – an Overview
With the recent emphasis on sustainability and climate change, it would be easy to think that ethical investment is a relatively modern phenomenon. In fact, its roots can be traced back to 1758, when the Society of Friends…
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Children, money and education
Survey findings published by the Personal Finance Education Group (pfeg) tell us quite a lot about the monetary habits of children in England. The pfeg was set up in 2000 by a group of individuals, primarily from the…
Read moreFinancial Planning Week – Coming soon…….
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Inspirational words from Steve Jobs, Apple Inc
Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure…
Read moreOctober market commentary
Overview September – a month when it was difficult to find any good news, with the headlines seemingly screaming “Crisis” and “Rescue package” on alternate days. In the UK, unemployment reached 2.5m and inflation rose: the…
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Coming Soon…..Junior ISAs!
Junior ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) will be available from 1 November 2011, following the end of Child Trust Fund (CTF) eligibility from January 2011. The Treasury says that Junior ISAs will ensure that all parents have a clear…
Read moreTaxation in retirement – what you need to know
On reaching State Pension age you no longer pay National Insurance contributions, but you don’t automatically stop paying Income Tax. Taxable income includes that from a State Pension and if this is more than the tax-free allowance, you…
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Junior ISA Q&A
What is a Junior ISA? Junior ISA is a new savings scheme being introduced by the Government. It will come into effect from 1st November 2011, and will allow children ineligible for a Child Trust Fund (CTF) to…
Read moreThe Fluctuations of Pension Pots
Darren Philp, Director of Policy of the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF), recently said: “Everybody deserves a good workplace pension. While it is logical that higher earners will accrue larger retirement benefits, more transparency is needed around…
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New pension rules – a chance to benefit?
The Government has devoted a lot of its recent energies to pensions reform. First we had the changes affecting contributions and membership of company schemes and now we have changes to the rules for annuities and pensions drawdown.
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