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FSA to raise consumer awareness of deposit protection
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is making it obligatory for all banks, building societies and credit unions in the UK to prominently display, in every branch and on every website, how much compensation savers could claim in the…
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The top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed
These words are not mine but from a Nurse and this was shared to me by a friend on Facebook, I know from experience these sentiments are very real: “For many years I worked in palliative…
Read moreFindings reveal ‘head-in-the-sand’ attitude towards pensions
Despite the recent strikes against cuts in public sector pensions, Aviva reports that most British people have a head-in-the-sand attitude to pensions. Aviva said that few people start “actively thinking” about pensions until they are 48 years old, and take…
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January Market Commentary
December saw the death of North Korea’s ‘dear leader’ Kim Jong-il, with command of the country seemingly passing to his youngest son – the ‘great successor’ – Kim Jong-un. But with sundry generals peering over the younger Kim’s…
Read moreSelling your business – what to expect
Selling a business is likely to be the largest and most important financial deal any business owner will ever make. If you are thinking of selling your business for whatever reason, you should understand the business selling processes…
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Over-55s struggle as savings and income levels plunge
Savings for older people have fallen by more than 25% over the past year, while incomes for the over-55s have dropped, according to research by Aviva. One in 10 of the over-55s are surviving on less than £500…
Read moreTen New Year’s Resolutions for your Financial Planning
Around 50% of us make New Year’s Resolutions and ‘sort the finances out’ must be one of the most popular: but that’s a little vague – it’s more a wish than a firm commitment to take action. Looking…
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December market commentary
When you realise that the ‘Italian 10’ trending on Twitter refers not to Antonio Cassano’s goal against Northern Ireland but to the yield on the Italian 10 Year Bond, then you know the European debt crisis – and…
Read moreA Summary of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement
Chancellor George Osborne delivered his Autumn Statement at lunchtime on Tuesday, November 29th against a backdrop of gloomy economic forecasts. The previous day, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) had predicted that the UK…
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Which? Report Highlights Risky Investment Advice
According to a new Which? report, many high street banks and building societies are giving poor advice and recommending inappropriate investment products to elderly and potentially vulnerable consumers. Which? researchers, in an undercover investigation, found that only five…
Read moreDeposit accounts – the good, the bad and the ugly
On Thursday March 5th 2009 the Bank of England reduced its base rate to 0.5% where it has remained ever since – and with fears about European defaults and a possible double-dip recession stalking the economy, it is…
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November market commentary
After three months of fairly constant bad news in this bulletin, it would be tempting to report October as the month when world stock markets turned the corner. Every major market rose and if you were lucky –…
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