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Is Financial Planning the key to happiness?

‘Action for Happiness’ sounds like some clap-trap David Cameron has invented as part of his Big Society push but in fact it’s a new social movement/organisation that marked its launch this week by giving free hugs. Look past the free…

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Annuities – a good investment?

Anyone aged 55 or older is able to buy an annuity, an income for life provided by an insurance company in exchange for a pension fund or lump sum. Deciding on an annuity is a big decision to make because…

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Seniors can work longer as Default Retirement Age is finally retired

As we live for longer, the concept of retirement is changing. The traditional idea of a life of leisure for the over-65s is becoming less common. Instead, many continue to work, both to keep their mind active and to provide…

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Protection Planning – and the lack of it!

Homebuyers need to have house insurance and motorists need to have car insurance – despite the fact that the chance of your house suffering significant damage is remote, and that many people never claim on their car insurance. They do…

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Pensions – Making the most of it

There has rarely been a time when pensions have been so high on the political and social agenda. As the Government cuts back on public sector spending, people who have retired are looking to make their income stretch that little…

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The Fundamentals of Cash Flow Modelling

George Horace Lorimer once said: “It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good too, to make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” Creating a balance in life is important and…

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April Market Commentary

Overview Events such as the Japanese earthquake and subsequent nuclear disaster, unrest in the Middle East and sovereign debt problems in the eurozone are more than challenging any small steps to economic recovery. The markets have reacted with…

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Managing and Understanding Investment Risk

The amount of risk involved with an investment can be managed by matching it appropriately with the length of time you have available to invest, your tolerance towards fluctuations in returns and your investment time frame. For example, if you…

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Optimising The Risk-Return Trade-Off

The risk-return trade-off is a concept that every investor should be familiar with. Stated simply, it means that to gain a higher potential return on an investment, you have to accept more risk. It’s also important to understand what those…

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Pension Death Benefit Changes – April 2011

Information from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) signals that there will be a number of significant changes in the pension death benefit rules from April 2011. The main changes after April 2011, concern three aspects: 1) what pension benefits…

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Have you started your spring clean?

With the end of the tax year fast approaching, and with some potentially painful changes coming to the current tax regime, now is the time to think about spring cleaning your investments. Spring cleaning is synonymous with an annual deep…

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The Importance of an Exit Strategy

Many owner-managers put in a lifetime of hard work building their business only to throw away some of the rewards by failing to consider properly how they will exit from the business. It’s sensible to put an exit strategy in…

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