5 Things to Consider When Choosing an Independent Financial Adviser

Category: Financial Advisers

Decided that you need an Independent Financial Adviser? the next step is to choose one the right one to meet your needs.

This decision will make a big impact on your financial future and as such it must be considered seriously and not rushed. Here at Santorini Financial Planning, we have put together a few factors to consider so you choose a financial adviser that aligns perfectly with your needs.

Location and Accessibility

It may seem obvious, but finding an independent financial adviser near you is important and  accessibility is also a factor. Will you be able to speak to them if you have any questions, or change your plan later? If you are in a management position in your own business or self-employed, time is at a premium. Choosing a local firm means that you can have face to face meetings without having to schedule time for travel. Based on the high street in Loughborough, we are easy to reach for clients in Leicester too, and we make it simple for you to arrange a meeting by giving you access to our calendar through the website. We understand that making time to talk about your future has to be a priority.


Talking about your future can be scary, but also incredibly empowering. It’s essential that you are able to communicate well with your chosen IFA so that they understand your goals, and that you feel comfortable opening up to them about your ambitions. You also need someone who can explain the complex technical language of finance in a practical way that makes sense to you. A consultation call on the phone, or short face to face meeting should be sufficient for you to ascertain whether your communication styles match, so don’t be afraid to try a few different companies before deciding.

Knowledge and Expertise

Most firms will have their own area of expertise which should align with your financial situation. Too broad a spectrum of expertise may reflect only a shallow knowledge of all areas, so research accreditations and awards from the financial community. No matter how tempting, stay away from firms that do not have significant experience in your area as this should never be compromised on. At Santorini we specialise in working with owners of small businesses to create their retirement plan when they are 5 to 10 years away. Having built a huge amount of experience in this area, we can advise our clients with confidence.


The role of your IFA is to show you a way to get the most out of your hard earned money and turn your dreams into reality. They should help you carve out your future and that’s a big responsibility. With the conflicting advice and information in the financial area, you need to be able to trust in the skill of your IFA know that they have your best interests at heart. To do this, have a chat with them and look at previous client testimonials. For complete peace of mind, request contact details of previous clients who are in a similar situation to you so you can talk to them about the process they went through.

Compatible Ethos

Pension plans and retirement goals mean different things to different people. At Santorini we don’t separate business and personal goals. When we work with our clients we ultimately aim to create a financial plan that will bring them freedom and happiness. If that sounds like what you’re looking for from a future, we could be a perfect match.

If you want to choose an independent financial advisor in Leicester or Loughborough get in touch with Santorini Financial Planning today on 01509387029 or email us at info@santorini-fp.co.uk. Together we can create your ideal retirement.

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