4 Great Reasons you want an Investment Policy Statement

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4 Reasons you want an investment policy statementSantorini Financial Planning have created an Investment Policy Statement so our clients understand and have their own unambiguous record of Santorini’s investment philosophies, strategies and processes.

Our aim is to help you make smart decisions about your money and, ultimately, to enjoy the peace of mind that is the product of a successful investing experience.

The benefits of creating an Investment Policy Statement are:

1. You have a clear understanding of your attitude to investment risk.
2. Your performance objectives and expectations are clarified.
3. Misunderstandings are less likely.
4. You understand our investment philosophies, strategies and processes.

Our desired outcome is to deliver to you the returns of asset class investing. That is: exposure to globally diversified markets, tilted towards small and value stocks, tempered with fixed income investments, less fees and taxes (where applicable). To achieve this outcome we will:

• Determine your individual capacity for investment risk and match it to the most the most appropriate investment portfolio.

• Utilise a proven scientific approach to asset allocation and fund selection and online monitoring systems to help you achieve your investment objectives.

• Review your existing investments to ensure they are in line with your current and future objectives.

• Make recommendations to bring your existing investments into line with your risk profile and performance objectives.

• Use Monte Carlo lifetime cashflow simulations to illustrate whether your portfolio will be sufficient to meet your long term capital and income needs.

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LE12 7XW